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Over 9,300 sound clips from TV, Movies. Sound clips are audio Emoticons. Sound clips are searchable using key words to make it simple to find the sound clip you wanted

Over 10,000 Images, Smileys & Emoticons. Combine an image with a sound to create a Combo. Search using key words to easily find the exact image you want

We keep a log of every room's chat session and when you join a room we feed you a portion of that log so you can quickly see what is being discussed. You can also easily access the log for any day for any room so if you missed something or wish to re-visit a session, we make that as easy as a few clicks.

As with any chat room, you can interact with other users via text messages but we've taken that concept a step further. Most chat programs now offer limited visual emoticons or smileys to accent written text.
We give you thousands of emoticons as well and over 8,000 total images that can easily be searched for using key word tags.
In addition we give you 8,000 plus sound clips taken from various sources such as television, movies and even politics you can often use to hilarious effect!

We employ a unique Whispers system that allows for private communications between two or more users. Whispers are not recorded in the day's log for obvious reasons.